Brand Gestra, with flanges or screwed sockets, PN 40, body: C22.8, operating temperature: max. 450°C, max.
differential pressure: 22 bar, on request up to PN 630 and 563°C available
Type BK 45: DN 1 ...
Brand Gestra, with flanges or screwed sockets, PN 40,
operating temperature: max. 450°C, max. differential pressure: 22 bar
Type MK 45-1: body: C22.8, for low condensate flow rates
Type MK 45-2: bo ...
Brand Gestra, with flanges or screwed sockets, optional Duplex design or Simplex design,
for horizontal (h) or vertical (v) installation, available orifice: AO 4, AO 13, AO 21
Type UNA 14: body 1.04 ...
Brand Gestra, with flanges, optional Duplex design or Simplex design, for horizontal (h) or vertical (v)
installation, available orifice: AO 2, AO 4, AO 8, AO 13, AO 22, AO32
Type UNA 45 hl: body/bo ...